
仲國 Second nation of Abraham


The source of Bible verses & Strong’s system of the original word meanings from “The Bible Society in Taiwan” AND  "blueletterbible.com". 

恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
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仲國 Second nation of Abraham http://secondnationofabraham.blogspot.com/
光宗耀祖 Honor The Forefathers http://honortheforefathers.blogspot.com/
拉結生 Rachel sons http://rachelsons.blogspot.com/
西周 The 841 BC http://the841bc.blogspot.com/
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/

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佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期為"七十個七 70X7"張貼所包。
"Buddha" period was covered within the "七十個七 70X7" posts.

看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC http://the841bc.blogspot.com/

瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 http://constructchinese2.blogspot.com/

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham http://secondnationofabraham.blogspot.com/

基礎於"仲國那亞伯拉罕和一些他的親戚是迦勒底人。  就此"chi-na"表示"迦勒底人的後人”, 不同於其他迦勒底人的姓氏(陳及更多), 當然其中也有些是亞伯拉罕及他的親戚的後人。

"China" was based on "Second nation of Abraham" that Abraham and some of his relatives were Chaldean.  It was then "chi-na" meant "children of Chaldean" that was different from others with Chaldean family names (Chen, Chan, and more) that certainly some are of Abraham and the relatives of Abraham. 


看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote 

耶穌 Relating To Jesus http://relatingtojesus.blogspot.com/ 

Please click chart for large chart.) 

仲國(第二個亞伯拉罕的國 The Second nation of Abraham)
十個 10 字 characters 說出 reviewed 2,200年 years of 的根 the root 並 and 歷史 history。
祖宗十八代 18 generations of the forefathers君子 gentleman 遠 distance from the deeds of 庖(所發生在亞伯的身上) what happened to Abel 廚(所發生在雅各的紅湯) and what happened to Jacob with his sod pottage

看看 Read also 古義「滅、榮」 ancient "ca" (kä)
看看 Read also 非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
中 center = 仲 second?
仲國 the Second nation of Abraham 別 was different 於 from 中國 the center became a nation, "夏 Nahor" (the grand father of 亞伯拉罕的 Abraham 祖父)別 was different 於 from "夏後 Nahor" (the brother of 亞伯拉罕的 Abraham 弟弟)

看看 Read also 聯意(希伯萊文)用一 associate apply meaning 1 http://associateapplymeaning1.blogspot.com/

九個 9 字 characters 說出 expressed 眷戀 the missing of 公元前1400年-841年的 B.C. 迦南 Canaan (應許地 The Promise Land)。
修身 cultivate one's moral character、齊家 manage one's household、治國 rule a country、平天下 pacify the world = The four goals of life in 經典印度教的 Classical Hindu 四個生命的目的

看看 Read also 摩西 Relating To Moses http://relatingtomoses.blogspot.com/

印度 Hindu 衍生 derived 於 from "Sindhu" (梵語 Sanskrit).
印度 Hindo (中世紀 medieval 波斯語 Persian) = 戶 a dweller 於 on 印度 the Sindhu 河 River .
印度 the Indus 河 River 是 is 一個 an 重要 important 和 and 最長的河 longest 於 in 巴基斯坦 Pakistan.
波斯語 Persian = 印度 Hindu;
阿富汗語 Pashto = Abasin (Father of 河 Rivers 之父);
藏語 Tibetan = Sengge Chu (獅子 Lion 河 River);
希臘文 Greek = Ινδός
仲國 The Second nation of Abraham = from 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 到 to 日本 Japan
看看 Read also 2) 內容 content
斯坦(三代) stan(3 generations)
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com
日本 Japan = 申命記 Deuteronomy chapter 34章 (east of 迦南 Canaan 以東"尼波山 Mount Nebo") = 史特朗號碼 Strong's H5015 加上 plus H2224 / H4217

看看 Read also 川是應許地的聖約 Covenant 3 (The Promised Land )
記事字 Facts By Words http://factsbywords.blogspot.com/

申命記 34:1 摩西從摩押平原登尼波山,上了那與耶利哥相對的毗斯迦山頂。耶和華把基列全地直到但,
Deuteronomy 34:1 And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan,
H5015 נְבוֹ (neb·o') 尼波 Nebo
1) 在摩押的一座城 a city in Moab 並 and 曾經 at one time 分給 assigned to 流便族 Reuben; 可能 probably 位於 locatedon 或 or 靠近near 尼波山 probably located on Mount Nebo
2) 在猶大的一座城 a city in Judah (可能是 maybe 便雅憫 Benjamin)原本來自from which the families of 一些 some exiles, who returned from Babylon 與 with 所羅巴伯 Zerubbabel 一起從巴比倫歸回的流亡家庭, originally came
3) the mountain where 摩西 Moses 去逝的 died 那座山; 位於 located east of the 約旦之 Jordan 東 opposite 與耶利哥 Jericho 相對; 地點 site 不明 uncertain

H2224 זָרַח (zä·rakh') 上升 to rise, 出現 come forth,
H4217 מִזְרָח (miz·räkh') 日出之地 place of sunrise, 日出 sunrise, 東方 east (與"太陽"連用 with sun, 沒有"太陽"一字 without sun), 向著 to or toward 日出之地 the place of sunrise, 向 to 東 the east, eastward
內河橋 the bridge of Neihe? 指 pointing 出 out 過 passing through 約旦 Jordan 河 River 到 to 迦南 Canaan (約書亞記 Joshua chapter 3章的 having 約櫃 Ark of the Covenant)

看看 Read also 古義「滅、榮」 ancient "ca" (kä)
非洲神話 African Myths http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com
看看 Read also 聯音一 associate sound 1 http://associatesound1.blogspot.com/

H5101 נָהַק (nä·hak') 驢叫 to bray, 呼叫 cry, 大喊 cry out Pronunciation
H5102 נָהַר (nä·har') 發光 to shine, 照耀 beam, 光芒四射 be radiant, 流 to flow, 流動 stream
H5103 נְהַר (neh·har') 河流 river
H5104 נָהָר (nä·här') 溪流 stream, 河流 river, 地下的水流 underground streams
H5095 נהל (nä·hal') 引導 to lead, 給安息 give rest, 小心引導 lead with care, 領到有水之處 guide to a watering place or station, 使安息 cause to rest, 領到可安歇之處 bring to a station or place of rest, 帶領 guide, 加添心力 refresh

約書亞記 3:13 等到抬普天下主耶和華約櫃的祭司把腳站在約旦河水裏,約旦河的水,就是從上往下流的水,必然斷絕,立起成壘。」
Joshua 3:13 And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand upon an heap.
約書亞記 3:14 百姓離開帳棚要過約旦河的時候,抬約櫃的祭司乃在百姓的前頭。
Joshua 3:14 And it came to pass, when the people removed from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people;
約書亞記 3:15 他們到了約旦河,腳一入水(原來約旦河水在收割的日子漲過兩岸),
Joshua 3:15 And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,)
約書亞記 3:16 那從上往下流的水便在極遠之地、撒拉但旁的亞當城那裏停住,立起成壘;那往亞拉巴的海,就是鹽海,下流的水全然斷絕。於是百姓在耶利哥的對面過去了。
Joshua 3:16 That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho.
約書亞記 3:17 抬耶和華約櫃的祭司在約旦河中的乾地上站定,以色列眾人都從乾地上過去,直到國民盡都過了約旦河。
Joshua 3:17 And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan.
約書亞記 4:15 耶和華曉諭約書亞說:
Joshua 4:15 And the LORD spake unto Joshua, saying,
約書亞記 4:16 「你吩咐抬法櫃的祭司從約旦河裏上來。」
Joshua 4:16 Command the priests that bear the ark of the testimony, that they come up out of Jordan.
約書亞記 4:17 約書亞就吩咐祭司說:「你們從約旦河裏上來。」
Joshua 4:17 Joshua therefore commanded the priests, saying, Come ye up out of Jordan.
約書亞記 4:18 抬耶和華約櫃的祭司從約旦河裏上來,腳掌剛落旱地,約旦河的水就流到原處,仍舊漲過兩岸。
Joshua 4:18 And it came to pass, when the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD were come up out of the midst of Jordan, and the soles of the priests' feet were lifted up unto the dry land, that the waters of Jordan returned unto their place, and flowed over all his banks, as they did before.
約書亞記 4:19 正月初十日,百姓從約旦河裏上來,就在吉甲,在耶利哥的東邊安營。
Joshua 4:19 And the people came up out of Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and encamped in Gilgal, in the east border of Jericho.
"平"天下的 the character 平字 of wandering on the earth, 經典 Classical 印度教 Hindu 指 pointed 出 out 眷戀 missing 遙遠 distance 流浪 wandering for 四十 40年 years 才 than 到的 got to 迦南 Canaan。

看看 Read also 摩西 Relating To Moses http://relatingtomoses.blogspot.com/

Found throughout within 仲國內 The Second nation of Abraham 遍布希伯萊文 Hebrew 出的 originated 姓 family names 並 as well as 地名 places, 非洲 Africa、歐洲 Europe、並 and 美洲 America 遍布 spread with 希伯萊文 Hebrew 出的 originated 姓 family names 並 as well as 地名 places, 以及 myths originated from 聖經 the Bible 出的神話故事 too。

看看 Read also 聯意(世孫)用二 associate apply meaning 2
聯意(希伯萊文)用一 Associate Apply Meaning 1